Scranton Healthy Aging Campus Opens
On Monday, Sept. 21, UNC opened the doors to the Scranton Healthy Aging Campus! All area senior centers have been closed since March due to COVID-19, so staff and visitors were delighted to see and talk to each other in person, at a safe distance. The opening gave participants a chance to get reacquainted with old friends, meet new ones, and adjust to the new gathering guidelines. Participants were also introduced to the new Grab and Go lunch option.
UNC’s programs for older adults will now be part of Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging’s Healthy Aging Campus, a new initiative to focus on all aspects of wellness – the physical, mental, social, and emotional. Right now, we are offering small, independent in-person activities at the Oppenheim Center for the Arts in West Scranton, in addition to our walking club and Zoom mindfulness classes and trivia nights. In the coming weeks, we hope to schedule more events, both in person and virtually. For a schedule of events and more information, please visit Advance reservations are required for activities and grab and go meals. Please call (570) 961-1592 and speak with Amy Kazmierski or Nancy Brown.