Scranton/Lackawanna County Continuum of Care

The Scranton/Lackawanna County Continuum of Care (SLCoC) is a federally funded collaboration supported by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The SLCoC is committed to ensuring all individuals experiencing homelessness have access to fixed, regular, and adequate housing. The SLCoC is supported by multiple SLCoC-funded agencies and various community stakeholders. Each agency supporting the SLCoC is committed to improving housing access and supportive services for those experiencing homelessness in Scranton/Lackawanna County.

As the SLCoC Lead Agency, United Neighborhood Centers of Northeastern Pennsylvania (UNC) provides administrative support and technical assistance for the SLCoC. UNC is also responsible for annual HUD CoC submissions, including: Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Opportunity Grant Application, CoC Planning Project Application, CoC Program Registration, Point-In-Time (PIT) and Housing Inventory Count (HIC) reports. For more information about the SLCoC, please contact the SLCoC’s Program Director, Nathan Morgan, at 570-866-2233 or Email preferred.

For questions concerning the SLCoC’s diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts (DEI), please contact the SLCoC’s Equity Advocate. The Equity Advocate role is supported by the SLCoC’s DEI Committee and serves to ensure equitable and inclusive services. Channel Kearse, Community Outreach Coordinator at the City of Scranton, serves as the current Equity Advocate. Channel can be contacted at (302) 729-3231 or Email is preferred.


Point-In-Time (PIT) Count

The Point-in-Time (PIT) Count is a count of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night in January. HUD requires that CoCs conduct an annual count of people experiencing homelessness who are sheltered in emergency shelter, transitional housing, and Safe Havens on a single night. CoCs also must conduct a count of unsheltered people experiencing homelessness. To learn more about PIT reports, please visit HUD’s website.

PA-508 2024 Point-In-Time (PIT)

PA-508 2020-2024 Totals

SLCoC General Membership

The SLCoC hosts public bi-monthly General Membership meetings to update community stakeholders on SLCoC activities. General Membership meetings are held virtually on Microsoft Teams. To join the SLCoC’s General Membership email distribution list, please email Nathan Morgan at

General Membership is open to, but not limited to, nonprofit homeless providers, victim service providers, faith-based organizations, governments, businesses, advocates, public housing agencies, school districts, social service providers, mental health agencies, hospitals, universities, affordable housing developers, law enforcement, organizations that serve homeless and formerly homeless veterans, and homeless and formerly homeless persons to the extent these groups are represented within the geographic area and are available to participate. All General Membership members must be 18 years of age or older.

SLCoC General Membership Meeting Agendas

SLCoC Board Member Agencies

Continuum of Care Competition Application Materials

FY 2023 Continuum of Care Competition Materials

FY 2022 Continuum of Care Competition Materials

FY 2021 Continuum of Care Competition Materials

FY 2019 Continuum of Care Competition Materials

FY 2018 Continuum of Care Competition Materials

FY 2017 Continuum of Care Competition Materials

Homeless Management Information System Materials

Policies & Procedures: